Saturday, October 03, 2009

Moonie Fest

It's the time of the year again, where we all feast on delectable moonies and grow really round!

For me, Mid Autumn Festival is always a time of loads of fun and reunion.

I remember the days when I was a kid, and my sisters and I would be gathering at the void deck with our paper lanterns and boxes of colourful candles. We would start arranging the candles in shapes, emulating what we see in NDP just a month or so ago. It was always fun to see who has the nicest formations.

After a while, mom and dad will bring some mooncakes to us and some chinese tea. Homemade mooncakes at that. Then we will eat, and continue to spend the rest of the night away. At the end of it all, the candle session will end up into our made believe BBQ session where we will burn leaves and create a helluva mess. But it was always fun.

Then a few years later, we all grew up. And we stopped playing lanterns and candles. We stopped hanging out together even. We had our own obligations, and my sisters always had friends to hang out with during public holidays and weekends.

There was a year where I played candles all by myself. And it was no fun.

I stopped eventually when I reached adolescence. I started to think this was all crap and it was not fun at all. I hated everything in life. I was a rebel. I even hated myself and just cooped myself up in my room.

It never did change. Up till when I was in Uni, I was still very much alienated from my family. I felt they didn't understand me, and that they were just all about themselves. We never had family reunions, and I avoided them if there were any - quoting reasons from fatigue to examinations.

Recently, the idea of family sprung back into the back of all our heads again. These few years, we always have gatherings which we all casted all our things aside for. We are once again one big happy family.

This year, we would be having a family dinner again.

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